Outer Worlds Game Money Cheat
You’ve gone and spent the last of your bits, but you need ammo and consumables like there’s no tomorrow. What’s a broke hero to do? In The Outer Worlds, it behoove you to learn how to make money as efficiently as possible.
Create a character with high Strength, Dialog, and Stealth attributes.
Strength increases your maximum carry weight, meaning you can haul more items to sell later. Higher Dialog means vendors will sell to you for a lower price, and buy your goods for more. Stealth is detailed more in the next section, but needless to say better stealth equals more chances to loot items. You’ll need to sacrifice other attributes if you wish to max these, but hey, the dumb dialog is kinda worth it if you want to set Intelligence to Below Average; just saying.
The Outer Worlds is an action role-playing sci-fi game played in a first-person perspective where the character you decide to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. You play one of the thousands of people left in hibernation on an abandoned colony ship that is lost in transit while bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy. Today I show you the best exploit in the Outer Worlds. Add 5K Money; Increase Game Speed; Decrease Game Speed; Reset Game Speed; Money Editor; Notes. Unlimited Weight: Pick/Drop an item for this cheat to take effect. Money: Open Inventory before using Add Money or Money Editor. More cheats coming soon. Included in Cheat Evolution app. The Outer Worlds v1.0+ PLUS 13 Trainer.
- The Outer Worlds Console Code Guide - Outer Worlds Cheat Codes We've put together a list of handy console commands that you can use in The Outer Worlds once you've unlocked the UE4 console. We've also noted down what each code does so you can be fully prepared: Add currency code - AddCurrency 1 (replace xxxx with your chosen value).
- This is because the cheat essentially allows you to earn unlimited amounts of money. THE OUTER WORLDS. In The Outer Worlds is a neat cheat that allows. Finger up to the game’s balance, we.
- Use the following hints, tips, tricks, and secrets to get the most out of The Outer Worlds. You Can Steal Anything And Talk Your Way Out Of Crimes: Stealing is a great way to earn easy money. Lockpicks (Mag-Picks) and Hacking (Cyber Shunts) allow you to access areas you normally cannot reach, and usually there is a good reward waiting.
Loot everything by investing in Stealth skills.
Picking through crates is a good way to scrounge up extra bits, but there are extra goodies hidden within locked containers and behind sealed doors. Invest skill points into Stealth to not only access harder to hack/lockpick objects, but to eventually unlock Pickpocketing at 40 Sneak. You’ll then be able to pull money directly out of people’s wallets. At 40 Lockpick you’ll get 25% more bits from lootable containers, and at 100 Lockpick you increase your chance to find valuable Prismatic items by 100%. So, if you need extra money, invest in Stealth skills.
Pack Mule, Hoarder, Pack of Pack Mules, and Super Pack Mule Perks increase how much you can carry.

Looting everything not nailed down is only worth it if you can carry it all back to sell. That’s where the Pack Mule family of perks and Hoarder comes into play. Pack Mule increases carry weight by 50kg, Pack of Pack Mules by 30kg, and Super Pack Mule by 100kg. Throw in Hoarder to make consumables weigh 50% less, and you can carry a small store on your back.
Grab The Negotiator and Snake Oil Salesman perks to make vendors work for you.
Outer Worlds Cheats Xbox
The Negotiator reduces vendor prices by 20%, and Snake Oil Salesman increases the sell value of your items by 20%. The Negotiator is great not only at helping you save bits when buying what you need, but makes it easier to purchase a stockpile of mag-picks for hacking, and bypass shunts for lockpicking. If you are investing in Stealth skills these will be the most valuable items you carry, so being able to buy them en-mass for cheap is vital.
Snake Oil Salesman makes everything you sell 20% more valuable, meaning you can pawn off unneeded armor, weapons, mods, and consumables for more profit. This also applies to Prismatic items, which are a fantastic way to make extra coin. You need to have spent five perk points to unlock the tier Snake Oil Salesman is in, but it’s worth it because…
Prismatic items sell for more than their standard counterparts.
Yep, if an item has a diamond in it’s portrait, it’s worth more. If you plan to use Prismatic items be sure to not break them down when you replace them. Same can be said for Prismatic items you don’t plan to use. Always mark them as junk to ensure you sell them instead of break them down into weapon or armor parts. The Snake Oil Salesman perk pairs great with these, making the sell of Prismatic items all the more lucrative. Though, that said…
Stockpile a hundred armor and weapon parts then sell, sell, sell!
Once you have roughly a hundred armor and weapon parts on hand you shouldn’t have to worry about repairs for a while, assuming you are using your workbench for said repairs. Armor and weapon parts are easy enough to find in the field, so if you are looting everything like a full-blown kleptomaniac then you’ll not have to stress over repairs once you’ve built a small stockpile of them. After you have a hundred or so weapon and armor parts, start selling everything you don’t need. Vending machines are all over the Halcyon colony, so as your looting you should stumble upon plenty to offload your goods at.
That’s how to make money in The Outer Worlds; at least the long as short of it. With the right skills, perks, and sticky fingers you’ll find yourself drowning in more bits than you can spend. For more The Outer Worlds guides and walkthroughs check out our guides page.
GAME DEALSGet Twitch Prime For Free Right Now and get in-game items, rewards, and free gamesIn this The Outer Worlds Money Farming Guide, we will show you how you can farm a ton of Cartridge Bits in the game. If you are looking to make more than 40,000 bits in one go, then you may want to try this method.
This method is not a pretty one and it involves a city-wide massacre that you engage in by taking out all the civilians. If you care about your reputation with the factions and groups in the game, this method of farming bits might not be the one for you.
This Bit farming method was found by the YouTube channel called Mexsus.
The Outer Worlds Money Farming Guide
You can find the bit farming method detailed in this guide below.
Outer Worlds Game Money Cheat Sheet
How to Farm Bits
Before you go for this method of farming the Cartridge Bits, it is worth knowing that it involves you in turning rogue and killing a lot of civilians. This can turn you against some of the factions and other groups.
Outer Worlds Game Money Cheat Codes
If that is none of your concern and you still want to make a lot of bits, then you should head out to the Freight Port Landing Pad on Terra 2. Once you reach this location, all you have to do is start shooting all of the civilians, especially targeting the wealthy civilians.
There are a lot of civilians here, and you can take your time in killing all of them and then looting the bits that they drop. You can get as many as 500+ bits from just one dead civilian. This can rack up to nearly 40,000 bits in just this location alone. Make sure you go around every corner, bank, or public space where you can find the civilians and kill them.
There will be guards here as well, but they only carry the usual 15 to 20 bits that you normally find elsewhere. It is best to kill them first as you will then have ample time to take out each civilian.
Read more of The Outer Worlds guides:
Outer Worlds Game Money Cheat Code
This concludes our The Outer Worlds Money Farming Guide. Post your comments below.