- Original Mortal Kombat Game Characters
- Mortal Kombat Characters List Game
- All Mortal Kombat Game Characters
- Mortal Kombat Video Game Character Quiz Cheats Ps2
- Mortal Kombat Video Game Character Quiz Cheats Age Of Empires 2
- Mortal Kombat Video Game
Nintendo Switch Cheats
For Mortal Kombat on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help - Page 1013.
IGN's Mortal Kombat 11 (MK11) cheats and secrets guide gives you the inside scoop into every cheat, hidden code, helpful glitch, exploit, and secret in Mortal Kombat 11. Note that some of these. Video Games Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 9 Mortal Kombat 2011 Welcome to the first Mortal Kombat 2011 quiz (as far as I can tell). Test your knowledge in this 35 question quiz and see if you have the potential to score a 100%. Note: This game is also known as Mortal Kombat 9. Enter one of the following cheat codes at the versus loading screen during a two player match to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Player one enters the first three digits and player two enters the last three digits of the code. Some codes require both players to.
All Fatality Inputs (PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch)
Here is how to perform every fatality on each platform.
- 1 – Front Punch (Square PS4, X Xbox One, Y Switch)
- 2 – Back Punch (Triangle PS4, Y Xbox One, X Switch)
- 3 – Front Kick (Cross PS4, A Xbox One, B Switch)
- 4 – Back Kick (Circle PS4, B Xbox One, A Switch)
- Food For Thought (Close) – Back, Down, Back, 2
- Rock, Paper, Baraka (Close) – Back, Forward, Back, 3
Cassie Cage
- I <3 U (Mid) – Down, Down, Forward, 4
- #GirlPower (Mid) – Back, Down, Down, Back, 2
Original Mortal Kombat Game Characters
- Maintaining Balance (Mid) – Back, Down, Forward, Down, 4
- Good & Evil (Mid) – Back, Down, Back, 3
- New Species (Close) – Back, Forward, Back, 3
- Can’t Die (Mid) – Back, Down, Down, 4
Erron Black
- Melted (Close) – Down, Down, Down, 1
- Death Trap (Mid) Down, Forward, Down, 2
- Ice Sculpture (Close) – Forward, Back, Down, 1
- The Cyber Initiative (Mid) – Back, Forward, Down, Forward, 4
- Phasing Through Time (Mid) – Back, Down, Down, 3
- Peeling Back (Close) – Down, Forward, Back, 1
- Bow Before Me (Mid) – Down, Down, Forward, Down, 4
- Pole Dance (Close) – Down, Down, Down, 1
Jacqui Briggs
Mortal Kombat Characters List Game
- Spider Mines (Close) – Forward, Back, Forward, 3
- Nothin’ But Neck (Mid) Back, Forward, Back, 4
Jax Briggs
- Coming In Hot (Close) – Forward, Down, Forward, 3
- Still Got It (Mid) – Back, Forward, Back, Down, 1
Johnny Cage
- Mr. Cage’s Neighborhood (Close) – Forward, Back, Down, Down, 4
- Who Hired This Guy (Close) – Forward, Down, Forward, 1
- Hooked (Close) – Down, Down, Down, 4
- Road Rage (Mid) – Forward, Back, Down, Forward, 3
- Last Dance (Close) – Forward, Down, Down, 1
- Face Like A Dropped Pie (Close) – Back, Down, Forward, 2
- For The Kollection (Close) – Down, Down, Down, Down, 4
- Head Lantern (Close) Down, Forward, Back, 1
Kotal Kahn
All Mortal Kombat Game Characters
- Totem Sacrifice (Close) – Back, Down, Back, 3
- Kat Food (Close) – Back, Forward, Back, Forward, 1
Mortal Kombat Video Game Character Quiz Cheats Ps2
- Gore-Nado (Mid) – Down, Down, Down, Down, 2
- Royal Execution (Mid) – Down, Back, Forward, 1
Kung Lao
- Headed Nowhere (Close) – Down, Forward, Back, Down, 2
- Meat Slicer (Close) – Down, Forward, Down, 3

Liu Kang
- Burn Out (Close) – Down, Back, Down, Forward, 1
- Belly of the Beast (Mid) – Back, Down, Back, Forward, 2
Noob Saibot
- Double Trouble (Mid) – Back, Forward, Back, Forward, 4
- Split Decision (Close) – Down, Down, 1
- Alternating Kurrent (Mid) – Back, Down, Back, 1
- Direct Current (Close) – Down, Forward, Back, 3
- You’re Next (Far) – Back, Down, Down, 1
- Chain Reaction (Mid) – Down, Forward, Back, 2
- Bloody Mess (Mid) – Forward, Back, Down, 3
- Heart Kondition (Mid) – Down, Down, Forward, 4
Shao Kahn
- Back Blown Out (Close) – Back, Forward, Down, Down, 2
- Kahn-Sequences (Close) – Back, Forward, Back, 1
Sonya Blade
- To The Choppa (Mid) – Down, Forward, Back, 2
- Supply Drop (Close) – Back, Forward, Back, 3
- Ice-Cutioner (Mid) – Forward, Back, Forward, 2
- Frozen In Time (Mid) – Back, Down, Back, 4
Unlockable Characters
How to Unlock Secret/Hidden Character Frost
To unlock Frost in the game, you must simply clear chapter four in the story mode. Then, she’ll be available to play in any mode. You can also purchase her instead if you do not plan on playing the story mode.
Tips & Tricks
– Don’t skip the tutorial. Each scenario has fixed and dynamic elements you can use in order to attack and move. Learn and use those. Try the Tutorial out; it sounds silly but in reality it teaches you a lot of important information, from how to break combos to how to launch enemies in the air in order to perform combos.
– Use the environment. You should use the environment to your advantage. When your character is next to an object you can interact with, it will be highlighted. Each map features several such objects ranging from barrels you can throw at your opponent to a lion you can use as a jumping platform! Simply hit the interact button when the object is highlighted to use it.
– Jumping is Usually Bad. While Mortal Kombat 11 promotes jumping more than most other 2D fighting games, it’s still a bad habit to jump a lot. Most characters in the game have a way to knock you out of the air and even start a combo if you’re not careful. You can’t block in the air, so as soon as you jump you’re hoping the opponent doesn’t hit you with an attack that beats out whatever you were trying to do.
– Combos, follow-up attacks, and special moves require accurate, properly-timed button presses. The longer the combo, the more devastating it becomes but the command chain will also become complicated. Take time to learn the moves of your preferred characters. in the training mode. Checking out other character movesets will also help you understand how to defend against them, especially if you’re aiming for more competitive battles.
– Defense is the best offense. Blocking only helps a bit in battles in MK 11. You have to learn how to utilize Breakers, grab and throws, environment hazards, and reversals. Using these various techniques can throw off your opponent’s onslaught, break their momentum, and allow you to counterattack.
– Most characters have “armored” moves. If timed correctly, armored moves can pass through at least one of your opponents’ attacks, allowing you to interrupt their combo and start your own without using any meter.
– Even if you are a Mortal Kombat veteran, it will take time for you to get adjusted to this game. As This game is completely different, not same as the Mortal Kombat 10. To select your character you need to know and understand him. Spend some time in the training mode to know which character suits you best and can handle the multiplayer battles.
Achievements & Trophies
Mortal Kombat Video Game Character Quiz Cheats Age Of Empires 2
Name | Description |
Get Some | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jax |
Klassic | Komplete a Novice, Warrior, or Champion Klassic Tower once |
Blood In The Water | Spill 10,000 pints of blood |
Thank You For Being A Fan | Reach The Kredits |
What’s Next? | Komplete Story Mode |
Half Way There | Komplete 50% of Story Mode |
Enough Already | Hit the Gong in the Krypt |
Hit The Dojo | Komplete all Basics Tutorials |
Ready To Kompete | Komplete all Advanced Tutorials |
No Bad Match Ups | Komplete all Strategy Tutorials |
Deadly Encounter | Perform 15 different FATALITIES |
MURDER!!! | Perform 30 different FATALITIES |
Brutal End | Perform 25 BRUTALITIES |
Psychopath | Perform 100 BRUTALITIES |
Not Dead Yet | Show MERCY 10 times |
Grave Robber | Open 200 Krypt chests |
Kompetitor | Play 50 Kasual Versus matches |
R-E-S-P-E-C-T | Pay 100 total respect points in King of the Hill |
I Want It All | Komplete the Novice, Warrior, or Champion Klassic Towers with 10 different kharacters |
Tower Champion | Komplete 125 Towers |
Master of Time | Komplete 250 Towers |
Disco’s Not Dead | Flip Stance 50 times during a match |
Teamwork | Play a Group Battle with 2 other players |
Thrashed | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Baraka |
Family Values | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Cassie Cage |
Balanced | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Cetrion |
Cyber Initiative | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Frost |
Bugging Out | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with D’Vorah |
Kollecting Bounties | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Erron Black |
Pound Town | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jacqui Briggs |
Royal Guard | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jade |
Caged | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Johnny Cage |
Ka-Ballin | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kabal |
Bonzer Bog | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kano |
Princess Power | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kitana |
Kollected | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kollector |
Sacrifice | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kotal Kahn |
Hat Trick | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kung Lao |
No Bag Boy | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Liu Kang |
Double Dose Of Deadly | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Noob |
Struck Down | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Raiden |
Never Ends | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Scorpion |
Blood Bath | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Skarlet |
Target Eliminated | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sonya |
On Ice | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sub-Zero |
Turn Back Time | Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Geras |
Total Disrespect | Defeat an opponent as Bug-Vorah |
Oh My Days | Duck 100 times during a match |
My AI Can Do It | Play 10 AI Battle Simulator sets |
Puppet Master | Play 25 AI Battle Simulator sets |
My Magic Shoes | Run 5 miles in the Krypt |
Have We Met | Equip 5 different character intros |
Victorious | Equip 5 different character victories |
More Power | Use 50 Konsumables |
Konsumed | Use 100 konsumables |
Get Over Here | Spear 50 hanging bodies in the Krypt |
Skull Kabob | Impale a head in the warrior shrine |
Gimme Dat Money | Spend 50,000 koins in the Naknadan shrine |
Mortal Kombat Video Game
Successfully complete the game on the warrior difficulty setting. Start a new game and highlight the unknown square at the character selection screen to choose Human Smoke.
Play as MotaroSuccessfully complete the game on the master difficulty setting. Start a new game and highlight the unknown square at the character selection screen to choose Motaro.
Play as Shao KhanSuccessfully complete the game on the supreme master difficulty setting. Start a new game and highlight the unknown square at the character selection screen to choose Shao Khan.